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Shift__Emilie zimmerman


She was still sitting at the bench; looking down at the piano keys “my dad taught me” she said quietly, not quietly enough, I could hear the sadness in her voice

I looked away out the floor length window that showed the praise yard

“You loved your father” I said

She nodded “he was my life, how could I not?” she asked me

I sighed “would you like to take a walk with me? I could show you around” I asked her

She smiled slightly “sure, that sounds fun” she said, getting up from the bench

She walked over to me and smiled shyly, I held out my hand to her, smiling “come on, I want to show you the garden” I said

She took my hand and I led her through the hallways, we went to the “back yard” as it’s called, I call it the garden, it was like a castle garden, with flowers of every kind, apple trees growing in a little field, orange trees growing in another, this was a fairytale garden, or at least…that’s what my sister called it

Sadness flowed through me as I looked at this garden; Jenna walked in front of me, amazement the dominant expression on her face

She looked around and then turned around to face me, I leaned down and stroked the soft petal of my sisters favorite flower, A giant White Calla Lilly, Lamina disappeared along with seven others one night, they were up late, and he had stayed up with them, but fell asleep

When he awoke, they were gone

Lamina reminded him of a Calla Lily, she was delicate, with snow white skin, these beautiful Golden eyes, and she was a Tiger, only ten years old when she changed, a very premature change

He always called her his little Calla lily, she loved the flower

He hadn’t realized Jenna was sitting beside him, looking at his saddened face until she reached out and touched his hand that was still stroking the lily

“What happened?” she asked him gently, trying not to pry

He looked at her in the eyes “This was my sisters favorite flower, a Calla lily, I used to call her my little lily, she was ten years old when she changed, a little tiger growing to be as fierce as her brother, she was only fifteen when she….” He couldn’t say it; he couldn’t bring himself to say the words that he knew were not true

She was still alive, he knew it

“When she disappeared” she whispered

He nodded “her along with seven others, I was there! If only I could have stayed awake! I could have stopped him” I whispered, tears threatening to break through

She wiped the lone tear that trailed down my cheek away with her thumb “you think that Garrison took them” she said, not a question, a statement

I nodded “I taught my sister never to trust the lemur” he said

Confusion took over Jenna’s face “I don’t get something, I thought you only changed into the fiercest of creatures, why didn’t he change into something other than a lemur?” she asked

I looked out at the forest “I found out that night that he can change into many creatures, no other shifter that we know of in the world has ever been able to have multiple inner animals, we think that is why he went rogue, his inner animals are controlling him now, I think he changed into something else to lure them out, I just don’t know how he got Lamina to leave without waking me first, I will never understand” he murmured

Jenna’s eyes seemed to be staring at something far away, something he couldn’t see as she looked out at the forest, her eyes were unfocused, she was listening intently to something “what is it-“ she shushed him, making him close his mouth instantly

She got up from the ground next to me and started walking slowly, she heard something, and she was going to find out what it was, it seemed.
